
From Wiki

Maintenance through preservation and migrations—these are the actions that dominate the fourth stage of digital archiving. Once the digital archive has been designed, set up, and populated—its data preserved, secured, and made accessible—all these functions need to be maintained and monitored and the content and the system need to be managed and eventually migrated and transformed. Regular maintenance checks need to be performed on the data (to ensure its continued integrity and credibility as well as format usability), system (to provide for continued security and open access), and hardware and software technologies (to ensure their proper functioning and act timely when they need to be migrated or transformed to prevent them from becoming obsolete). 0:00

A new iteration of the digital archiving process begins.

The manual argues and describes why and how it is possible to build and maintain a digital archive scaled to any organizations’ capacities, even when initial resources and knowledge might be modest. The main initial and main resource the organization will need to have in excessive amounts throughout the process of building a digital archive is a strong commitment, along with persistence and a willingness to address a variety of challenges.